Can I user commercial music for my podcast?
The answer is NO, You cant use it. There is a lot of miss information about this on the internet and on chatrooms. If your Podcast doesn't make money doesn't mean you can use this type of music in your podcast. The podcast is published globally. So copyright law is applicable for our podcast.
French Copyright law is applicable for anything published or performed in
France. regardless of where it was originally created.
Some countries have a fair use policy, and some have not. The rules around fair use are different in many countries. So it doesn't cover everywhere.
The podcast is published globally so so the rest of the world doesn't follow
our county law.
when we use commercial music in our podcast, maybe we get banned after two or
three years, our podcast get terminated and we lost all our followers
You may think there are music podcasts that play whole songs. How is that
possible if you can't use music in podcasts?
yes. it's possible to do it, but it's also possible for them to be taken to court for doing so. Some take the gamble and may get away with it but it's not worth the risk.
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