Say ‘No’ and change your life - The Malayali - Malayalam Podcast

Say ‘No’ and change your life - The Malayali - Malayalam Podcast 

The power of no - Say ‘No’ and change your life Malayalam Podcast

On this Malayalam Podcast, we are talking about the power of no and  But these Malayalam Podcasts take it a step further. It’s not just about saying no to a particular situation, it’s also about saying no to scarcity, and to needless noise. It’s about saying no to the things that harm you. In the end, by learning not just how to say no but also the power of no, you’ll find it’s easy to say yes to yourself.

In this Malayalam Podcast, you will discover 

We make countless decisions each day that have drastic effects on our lives. We must learn to say no to the things that damage us so that we can say yes to health, abundance, and happiness.

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