Let's Divorce | The Malayali Podcast


Lets Divorce | The Malayali Podcast

The top reasons for divorce

Social scientists and other researchers have long examined what causes divorce. Some have looked at easily quantifiable characteristics that increase the likelihood of divorce. Like the age at which people marry.

On the other hand, other researchers have gone straight to the source, asking divorced persons why they believe their marriages failed.

We reviewed the findings of differnet of the best research (details below), developed the list of top eight reasons for divorce, and rated them based on how frequently study participants stated that those difficulties were a major reason their marriage ended.

Before we begin, it is necessary to state the obvious: A couple normally divorces for more than one reason (which is why percentages for answers add up to more than 100%), and those reasons are frequently linked. Extramarital affairs, for example, are more likely when people are having other problems in their marriage, and communication problems worsen concerns like money disagreements. Another aggravating element is that couples frequently argue about what precipitated their split.

Even with the advantage of hindsight, it can be beneficial to know what other people say about, why of their marriages ended, if you want to avoid the same situation, knowing when these difficulties appear will help.

Lack of Commitment

Lack of commitment came on top in various research where people were asked to choose from top list of major reasons for their divorce. (In one study, up to 85% of participants answered this answer.) Interestingly, another study found that the reason couples were most likely to agree on was a lack of commitment—even though one partner usually blamed the other for not working harder to repair the marriage.

Lack of commitment might appear hazy and difficult to show (or disprove), particularly to the individual being blamed for the problem. Outward symptoms are frequently linked to other grounds for divorce, such as extramarital affairs, a refusal to discuss the relationship, and a failure to cooperate toward shared financial goals.

Growing apart and incompatibility

All of the legislators who agreed on "major disagreements" as the essential premise for no-fault divorce were correct. When asked why their marriages ended, a sizable minority of divorcees say "we grew away," "we wandered apart," or "we were just unsuitable" (up to 55% in one survey). Other divorce causes mentioned in various studies, like as incompatibility, could be included in this notion.

a lack of shared values, marrying too early (which increases the risk of drifting apart), sexual difficulties, and religious differences

Communication Problems

Around 50% of participants in several studies mentioned poor communication as a factor for divorce, such as arguing too often or not being able to talk to each other. Again, communication issues can be the root of other grounds for divorce, such as disputes about money and family duties.

It's easy to notice when you're always arguing with your partner. Even if the fights aren't as regular or as heated, keep a look out for recurring debates about the same topic or differences that never appear to be addressed. That could be an indication that you need help learning how to communicate more successfully each other, possibly through couple's counselling.

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